Monday, March 31, 2025

Equity Management Services has teamed up with Gillware Data Services to provide our customer with a no hassle automated offsite backup solution.  Gillware Remote Backup is an online data backup solution designed to protect your business-critical data from permanent loss. Utilizing standard internet connections, your data is securely and remotely backed up to reduntant Gillware data centers. Designed from the ground up by Gillware Data Services engineers, Gillware Remote Backup offers advanced functionality within a simple framework. State-of-theart data encryption ensures your data is protected, and a fully integrated user interface means setting up your backup schedule is straightforward and intuitive. Our mission at Gillware Data Services is to provide first-class data backup solutions coupled with world-class customer support.

Remote Online Backup
Data is backed up to Gillware Data Services secure data centers utilizing standard internet connections 

Automated Backup Scheduling
Backups are initiated automatically. The user determines what files to backup and how often backups occur. Gillware Remote Backup does the rest

World-Class Customer Support
Gillware Data Services takes great pride in providing best-in-class customer support for our clients. Our technical support team is located at corporate headquarters in Madison, Wisconsin, and is on-call 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Whenever a data crisis occurs, a Gillware Data Services technical support representative is only a phone call a way

Multi-Layer Encryption
Data is encrypted prior to transmission and remains encrypted while on Gillware Data Services backup servers Gillware Data Services servers.

Multiple Revision Level Backups
The user determines how many revisions of each file to store on Gillware Data Services servers.  Previous revisions of individual files can be restored back to your local machine in seconds.

Windows Integrated User-Interface
Software is an add-on to the Windows operating system and is launched automatically upon computer start-up. This unique aspect of Gillware Remote Backup allows the user to interact with his or her backup volume on-the-fly, utilizing standard Windows applications such as Windows Explorer and My Computer

Data Backup Auditing
Gillware Data Services goes the extra mile to ensure that our clients’ critical data is being backed up. Users can choose to allow technicians access to file names being regularly modified, but not backed up. The logs are reviewed on a monthly basis and cross-referenced against the data currently selected forbackup. Any discrepancies are discussed with the client and the appropriate changes to his or her backup schedule are made.

Overnight System Restore
If a client’s system fails, the client will have a complete copy of his or her backup volume shipped within one business day of notifying Gillware Data Services. While waiting for the full system restore to arrive, individual critical files can be restored via the online repository If a client’s system fails, the client will have a complete copy of his or her backup volume shipped within one business day of notifying Gillware Data Services. While waiting for the full system restore to arrive, individual critical files can be restored via the online repository.


 Contact us today to get setup with your 30-day free trial account.
Call 608-752-5330 and ask for Dan or email him at
[email protected]


608-752-5330 Main  •  1052 Matheson St. Janesville, WI 53545 •  608-752-5643 Fax

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